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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I want to keep track of what I watch on STAR TREK?

When I originally designed TREKKIE TRACKER, I modelled it on the big arrival and departure screens inside an airport. What I wanted was to be able to see at a glance my progress as I worked my way through the many hundreds of STAR TREK programs. So, THE BRIDGE is like the master screen giving you a unique, single view of everything you have watched, are currently watching or intend to watch.

This is so important because it allows us to watch STAR TREK in the correct canonical order which does not begin with THE ORIGINAL SERIES. It actually begins with ENTERPRISE. Take a look here – for the exact details and a special glimpse at the new up and coming STRANGE NEW WORLDS.

Are my TREKKIE TRACKER records safe and secure?

TREKKIE TRACKER is no ordinary Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Anybody can create a database and keep records on their favourite TV shows but TREKKIE TRACKER is very different. Many hundreds of hours of testing and programing went into making TREKKIE TRACKER the seamlessly easy and beautifully integrated starship style control centre that you see today in STAR TREK TREKKIE TRACKER 2.0.

There are several thousand lines of code behind TREKKIE TRACKER giving you a unique visual experience and seamless control of what is actually multiple databases and advanced, intelligent functionality. And of course, the spreadsheet is compiled into an executable application that is secure, reliable and bug free with multiple backup protection systems so you will never lose your personal data. There is also a whole lot more visual basic programming going on behind the scenes which provides you with an immersed STAR TREK experience not usually possible in a database application like Excel.

How do I find all the episodes and movies listed in TREKKIE TRACKER?

Every program detailed in TREKKIE TRACKER is hyperlinked either directly to the show itself or the streaming service. The records in each Series Console are recorded by you in date and time order – which was extraordinarily complicated to achieve in Excel as the date and time in Excel is only considered as a number and the date and time itself is only separated by a decimal point. Take a look at any series database more closely and you will notice two extra columns at the end specifically dedicated to date / time tracking. 

Why is tracking what I watch by DATE and TIME so important?

In STAR TREK TREKKIE TRACKER 1.0 we only tracked by date. This was fine as long as you only watched one episode or movie per day. But if you are a STAR TREK fan like myself sometimes you will watch many episodes so TREKKIE TRACKER 2.1 lets you keep accurate records in one day as to the order in which you watched various episodes and movies.

How can I easily see the status of what I am watching?

The summary information on THE BRIDGE accurately indicates to you, at a glance, on one screen, where you are up to in any given series. What you have completed, what you are still watching and even what you want to watch next – which helps to keep you following the STAR TREK timeline more accurately. 

Yes, you can! And this is another unique function of TREKKIE TRACKER. It is called MY TREKS. Here you can record anything you find on your own personal STAR TREK journey and also share what you discover with other registered TREKKIE TRACKER users.

Why are there not separate program screens for MOVIES, only SERIES?

So, movies are one off programs that can be tracked on the SUMMARY / MOVIES screen. Here you can record when you watched a specific movie and if it was a favourite. You can also make notes. SERIES of course contain multiple episodes and need to be recorded on individual databases. Remember that TREKKIE TRACKER is always regularly updated to include any new and upcoming series or movies. 

How do I keep track of an episode, movie or favourite in STAR TREK that I watch more than once?

TREKKIE TRACKER is specifically designed to record multiple events pertaining to every single episode within any given series. Furthermore, IN STATISTICS you can see accurately the breakdown of time spent watching programs for the first time, your repeat viewing habits as well as the proportion of programs or movies you watch that are your favorites.

Do I have to watch STAR TREK in a particular order?

This is a controversial question but in my opinion the order is not impacted at all. They are all so different and technologically speaking, it doesn’t really feel true watching Discovery before the Original Series even though this would be the correct Star Date order because the effects in the original series are so primitive compared to Discovery.

The other problem is the main timeline – nicknamed CANON. Many STAR TREK aficionados will have you believe that CANON only refers to the main timeline in the officially endorsed series and movies but in fact this is just not true. For example, two of the famous, professionally produced fan-based series – included in TREKKIE TRACKER, STAR TREK CONTINUES and STAR TREK NEW VOYAGES certainly follow the CANON timeline and fit beautifully around The Original Series star date periods. 

What are the programs contained in the BLUE RAY and DOCUMENTARIES sections?

Before the days of streaming… Ha, now I am showing my age, but let me tell you I remember seeing Captain Kirk when Star Trek was originally broadcast in the 60’s, the networks were always looking for bigger and better ways to sell STAR TREK. There were VHS cassettes, then DVDs then finally Blue Ray disk players. To entice you to buy these better-quality versions of your favourite series they would add exclusive material onto the DVDs and Blue Ray disks.

So this database in TREKKIE TRACKER lists many of these specials and provides you with links to whatever information I could find on them. Unfortunately, the links don’t usually take you to the video but in many cases help you to research and find a source so you might get lucky and find it.

By the way – here is a bit of an Easter Egg, if anyone actually reads all of this, I am selling my TNG DVD Box Set if anyone is interested and open to a reasonable offer…

How much does TREKKIE TRACKER really cost?

The program itself has taken over 6 years to produce and costs a lot of money in programming, domain hosting and publicity. TREKKIE TRACKER was built out of love. My love for STAR TREK and what it stands for, even if Discovery is pushing the boundaries a little as it seems sometimes to be more like a soap opera, action thriller in Space!

If I was out to make a profit – TREKKIE TRACKER would not be the answer. The program works beautifully only because I am a fan and I use it all the time. Indeed, I originally built it just for myself but then realized I should share it with all STAR TREK FANS. So, your support is very precious to me and the only way I can appreciate your support is, at the moment, by giving you a lifetime registration code once you make a once off donation of US$10.

However! In the very new future we will be launching NFT life time passes that you can buy and trade on the new digital block chain NFT market.

The CONSOLE Menu. What does toggling SAVE or toggling MESSAGES ON or OFF actually do?

For those of you that love a bit of STAR TREK like technical detail, I built in some advanced user functionality that makes TREKKIE TRACKER an even more rewarding experience. And for me makes me feel like I really am the captain on the bridge of my very own Star Ship. Remembering that in TREKKIE TRACKER 2.0 you will hear the theme music to STAR TREK from 1966 to present day 2022 while you are updating your personal captain’s log.

SAVE is a little complicated in this application because even when you close the program not only is the actual program file updated but also a completely separate backup file is created. SAVE also controls some BRIDGE functions like updating the time stamps used in the various databases and controls the activation of various menu systems. Also, for strategic reasons you are returned to THE BRIDGE after a save. Technically speaking a manual SAVE is optional but some people habitually like to save while using office applications so I had to make this option available but if you want you can disable it. This has no affect on the SAVE that will ALWAYS occur when you close the workbook.

MESSAGES Are designed to seamlessly integrate within the look and feel of a Star Ship bridge Console however I realized after several hundred tests and entries that the MESSAGES became repetitive and interruptive once you understood how the system works. You can also disable MESSAGES and importantly the state you choose remains even after the workbook closes. The next time you ENGAGE and leave STARBASE ONE your MESSAGES will be off if you toggled them off.

By the way when the MESSAGES are toggled OFF the application looks really smooth with seamless transitions and everything works a little faster as well.


    • Do you have more questions about our new Trekkie Tracker?
    • Would you like more information about your free Google Subscription?
    • Do you want more information about how to be the captain on your bridge?
    • Learn more about contributing your own STAR TREK discoveries using MY TREKS?

    Support Trekkie Tracker!

    Although your Trekkie Tracker subscription is completely free for the time being, feel free to donate to the current development of this amazing new application.

    Currently we are still in beta testing but everything is fully functional and the Android / iPhone Apps are being built now.

    In order to use Trekkie Tracker now just press the watch and remember button above and log in with your Google Account.

    Then you become the captain on the bridge and now you can watch STAR TREK and REMEMBER what you watched, how many times you watched it, when you watched it and make those all-important notes to protect your memories.

    Follow & Support Star Trek - Trekkie Tracker

    Star Trek and all related marks, logos  and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan  organization is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS,  Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise.

    Copyright © 2023 Star Trek – Trekkie Tracker